The Institute of Hydromechanics of NAS of Ukraine
Applied hydromechanics
Index : Oleksuk V.V.
Year Vol. ¹ P.
[UKR] A.V.Gorodeckiy, A.S.Kotelnikova, V.I.Nikishov, V.V.Oleksuk, P.Yu.Romanenko, L.V.Selezova, G.P.Sokolovsky, S.M.Sribnuk
Generation, propagation and run-up of solitary waves on slopes
2010 - 12(84) 1 -
[RUS] A.I.Kulik, V.I.Nikishov, V.V.Oleksuk, S.V.Pihur, A.G.Stetsenko
Study of propagation of strongly nonlinear internal waves in channels and its interaction with topographic inhomogeneties. 1. Wave generation and propagation
2009 - 11(83) 2 -
[RUS] V.I.Nikishov, V.V.Olexiuk, S.V.Pikhur
Experimental investigations of development taylor-Goertler on convex surface of bending plate moving at curvilinear trajectory
2005 - 7(79) 3-4 -
[RUS] O.D.Nikishova, V.V.Olexiuk
On the using the shadow devices for investigation of moving ingomogeneous fluid
2003 - 5(77) 4 -
[RUS] V.V.Nikishov, V.V.Oleksiuk
Light propagation in a turbulent water
2002 - 04(76) 4 -
[RUS] O.D.Nikishova, V.I.Nikishov, V.V.Olexiuk
The experimental investigations of the vortical structure (vortical ring) transformation in laminar shear stratified flow
2000 - 2(74) 3 -
[RUS] O.D.Nikishova, V.I.Nikishov, V.V.Olexiuk
Unsteady konvective heat transfer in the boundary layer of the inhomogeniouse fluid
1999 - 1(73) 3 -
[RUS] O.D.Nikishova, V.V.Olexiuk
Development of convection in a flow of horizontally inhomogeneous fluid of the finite depth
1999 - 1(73) 2 -