V.I.Nikishov, V.V.Olexiuk, S.V.Pikhur
Experimental investigations of development taylor-Goertler on convex surface of bending plate moving at curvilinear trajectory

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 7 (79) № 3-4, (2005) p.86-96
The results of the experimental investigations of development of Taylor-Goertler vortices in a boundary layer arising on convex side of curved plate, that moves along circular trajectory, are presented. Detailed description of the experimental equipment is given. The pulse method of hydrogen microbubbles generation was used for visualization. This allows to take a photographic record of several lines of microbubbles located on different distances from the leading edge of plate. Analysis of the process of vortex forming shows that arising perturbations are really streamwise vortices, the pattern of the distribution of microbubbles completely correlates with elaborated understanding about kinematics of streamwise vortices. It is shown that linear development of Taylor-Goertler vortices takes place for the given interval of velocity. Artificial method for acceleration of vortex forming with using the installation of thin wire in spanwise direction is proposed. The method of estimation of the parameters of wire "turbulizator'' that allows to shift the point of loss stability upstream is described.