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IX International Scientific & Practical Conference "Computer Hydromechanics"


2018 ◊ Volume 1 (91) ◊ Issue 2 p. 223-232

A. F. Nazarenko*, T. M. Sliozberg *, A. A. Nazarenko**

* Odessa National Polytechnic University, Ukraine
**A. S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications, Ukraine

Estimating the force and energy characteristics of acoustic oscillations generated by a counter-flow hydrodynamic radiating system (the second approximation)

Gidrodin. akust. 2018, 1(2):223-232




The paper deals with the study of physical processes occurring in acoustic radiators of hydrodynamic nature. Such devices are used for the generation of powerful acoustic signals in water medium due to the flow energy transformation into the energy of self-oscillation process that is initiated by the occurrence of a cavitation zone in the liquid during its rarefaction phase. They are applied in various technological devices, in particular, in the systems for cleaning of rigid surfaces. Formerly, the physical models for different modifications of mentioned radiators were developed in the first approximation postulating the axial symmetry of a sound-producing liquid volume. As a result of application of the method of successive approximations the preliminary data on the second approximation were also obtained specifying more precisely the geometrical structure of the sound-forming element of the cavitational nature. The consideration of the second approximation of the model is continued in this study using a counter-flow hydrodynamic radiating system as an example. Within the framework of this research the force and energy characteristics of the generated oscillations are studied, in particular, the mechanoacoustic efficiency of the radiator. In doing so, the asymmetrical barrel liquid volume is chosen as a basic configuration of the sound-forming element. It is shown that the differences between the first and the second approximations are not significant when considering the force and power characteristics of generated oscillations. This allows to conclude about the rapid convergence of the applied method of sequential approximations when determining the integral parameters of the process.


self-oscillation process, hydrodynamic radiating system, cavitational sound generation, the three-parameter model


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  2. A. F. Nazarenko, T. M. Sliozberg, and A. A. Nazarenko, “A model of a counter-flow hydrodynamic radiating system sound generating element of cavitational nature”, Proceedings of XX Session of Russian Acoustical Society, Moscow, vol. 1, pp. 33–37, 2008.
  3. A. F. Nazarenko, T. M. Sliozberg, and A. A. Nazarenko, “The second approximation for a model of the counter-flow hydrodynamical radiating system”, Acoustic Bulletin, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 27–31, 2015.
  4. A. F. Nazarenko, T. M. Sliozberg, and A. A. Nazarenko, “Determining the model parameters of a counter-flow hydrodynamical radiating system that correspond to its operating regimes”, Acoustic Bulletin, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 41–45, 2013–2014.
  5. A. F. Nazarenko, T. M. Sliozberg, and A. A. Nazarenko, “On the configuration of a sound generating element of a counter-flow hydrodynamic radiating system”, The urgent acpects of physico-mechanical investigations. Acoustics and waves, pp. 218–227, 2007.
  6. A. F. Nazarenko, T. M. Sliozberg, and A. A. Nazarenko, “Consequences of the model of a counter-flow hydrodynamical radiating system”, Acoustic Bulletin, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 42–47, 2013–2014.
  7. A. F. Nazarenko, T. M. Sliozberg, and A. A. Nazarenko, “Estimating the energy characteristics of the counter-flow hydrodynamical radiating system”, Acoustic Bulletin, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 47–50, 2015.