The Institute of Hydromechanics of NAS of Ukraine
Applied hydromechanics
Index : Ilchenko V.M.
Year Vol. ¹ P.
[UKR] O.G.Stetsenko, V.M.Ilchenko
Wave resistance of moving region of surface pressure in a channel of rectangular or trapezoidal cross-section
2015 - 17(89) 2 -
[UKR] O.G.Stetsenko, V.M.Ilchenko
Surface waves past movible region of surface pressure in a channel of trapeziodal cross-section
2014 - 16(88) 4 -
[UKR] V.M.Ilchenko, O.G.Stetsenko
Surface waves in a channel generated by moving region of surface pressure
2013 - 15(87) 4 -
[RUS] N.S.Krasnopolskaya, V.M.Ilchenko, V.V.Meleshko, O.G.Stecenko
Processes of cross transport in meandering flow
2011 - 13(85) 2 -
[RUS] V.N.Ilchenko
Modeling of registration of transparent inhomogeneities of sea water by the Tepler mrthod at rotating Foucault knife
2010 - 12(84) 2 -
[RUS] T.Krasnopolskaya, V.²l'chenko
Kinematic model of Gulf Stream
2008 - 10(82) 4 -