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COMPUTER HYDROMECHANICS, 2024 (Program, Abstracts)

IX International Scientific & Practical Conference "Computer Hydromechanics"


2018 ◊ Volume 1 (91) ◊ Issue 1 p. 42-52

A. S. Kotelnikova*, V. I. Nikishov*, S. M. Sribnyuk**

* Institute of Hydromechanics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
** Poltava National Technical Yuriy Kondratyuk University, Ukraine

Experimental study of interaction of a surface solitary wave with an underwater step

Gidrodin. akust. 2018, 1(1):42-52




The results of experimental studies of the interaction process of solitary waves with a rectangular step are presented. It is shown that there is a wave transformation above the obstacle with further its separation into the reflected and transmitted waves in the process of transition from deep water to shallow. The estimations of reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained. The results are compared with known analytical relations and experimental data. The transmission and reflection coefficients demonstrate the dependence not only on the relative height of the obstacle, but also on the amplitude of the incident wave. This observation is beyond the bounds of estimates obtained according to the linear theory of shallow water.


solitary wave, underwater step, reflection and transmission coefficients


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