The Institute of Hydromechanics of NAS of Ukraine
Applied hydromechanics
Index : Bondar V.V.
Year Vol. ¹ P.
[RUS] V.V.Bondar, V.A.Tkachenko, V.V.Yakovlev
Simultaneous wave-current action on axisymmetrical obstacles of large cross sections
2015 - 17(89) 2 -
[RUS] V.V.Bondar, V.A.Tkachenko, V.V.Yakovlev
The combined impact of waves and currents on circular cylindrical obstacles of large transverse dimensions
2014 - 16(88) 3 -
[RUS] V.V.Bondar
Longshore currents and sediment transport for arbitrary bottom topography and shoreline
2002 - 4(76) 3 -
[RUS] V.V.Bondar, V.V.Yakovlev
TAlong-shore energetic flows for arbitrary bottom topogrephy under regular heaving
2001 - 3(75) 1 -