G.A.Voropaiev, D.Zeiner-Gundersen, V.I.Korobov
Hydrodynamical characteristics of the oscillatingwing

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 17 (89) ¹ 3, (2015) p.3-9
Experimental investigations of dynamic loads were carried out. Loads acted on the oscillating wing with elongation of 1.5 in the flow when changing the flow rate was in the range of (0.2 ... 1.2) m/s and the oscillation frequency was (0.2 ... 2.5) Hz. Three-component empirical formula that approximates the dynamic loads on the wing oscillating at different flow rates, oscillation frequencies of the wing and angular deviations has been proposed. The deficit of accounting of the dynamic angle of attack of the oscillating profile for an adequate evaluation of dynamic loads on the oscillating profile was shown.
oscillating wing, dynamic load, angular velocity, angular acceleration, lift, drag-draft.