Instability of ventilated cavity that is closed on a body

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 13 (85) ¹ 3, (2011) p.76-81
The theory of stability of the ventilated axisymmetric supercavities proposed by E. V.Paryshev is generalized for the case when a cavity closes on a cylindric body. The model of a "pure" non-steady supercavity, where the cavitator diameter is considered to be small in comparison with the maximal cavity diameter, is used to analyze the ventilated supercavity stability. It is shown that the dynamic properties of the ventilated cavity closed on a body and in the case of the free cavity closure are qualitatively similar. An analysis of the influence of such parameters as the relative body diameter, degree of filling the cavity by the body, and intensity of the gas loss from the cavity onto the ventilated cavity stability is given.
ventilated cavity, cylindric body, supercavity