A.I.Bileush, A.I.Krivonog, V.V.Krivonog, V.Yu.Filimonov
Strength of granular soil having dilatancy

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 13 (85) № 3, (2011) p.23-32
Physical nature of the phenomenon of dilatancy was researched experimentally. The research of strength of non-cohesive soils was done using a torsion device. The factors that influence strength of non-cohesive soils were studied. It is concluded that strength of non-cohesive soils is a function of condition of destruction and is defined by original density, particle size, moisture content, strength of individual grains and the original compressive stress. It is determined that the Mohr-Coulomb Strength Theory works for fine-grained non-cohesive soils in free dilatancy. It is determined that in simplified models it makes more sense to describe an extra shearing strength that appears during dilatancy with the quantity of cohesion.
dilatancy, granular soil, cohesion