The Institute of Hydromechanics of NAS of Ukraine | |
Applied hydromechanics Vol. 8 (80) № 2 2006 |
Contents |
A.I.Bileush, T.V.Litvinchuk, I.A.Omelchenko Anti-damage measure at area of North-Crimean (162 km), where there are gypsums in grounds |
I.O.Brovchenko, V.S.Maderich Two dimensional Lagrangian model of transport of multifractional sediments in coastal area of sea |
A.A.Vovk, A.A.Kuzmenko, O.A.Vovk Parameters of seismic waves due to mountain shochs |
A.A.Gourjii, V.V.Meleshko, E.I.Nikiforovich, R.J.Adrian Modelling of dynamics of hairpin vortex in turbulent boundary layer |
Т.S.Кrasnopolska, N.P.Podchasov Wave in ring channel formation by deformations of inner surface |
Yu.P.Ladikov, P.P.Rabotchiy, O.K.Cheremhukh On convective flow structures in installation of crystallization Bridgmen at high Grassgoff numbers |
M.V.Makaseyev Free plate gliding at high Froude numbers |
Yu.A.Semenov, V.N.Semenenko Mathematical model of cavity separation at hydroprofile |