The Institute of Hydromechanics of NAS of Ukraine
Applied hydromechanics
Index : Makaseyev M.V.
Year Vol. ¹ P.
[RUS] M.V.Makaseyev
Free plate gliding at high Froude numbers
2006 - 8(80) 2 -
[RUS] M.V.Makaseyev
Steady motions of plate on the surface of heavy liquid at given loading and free running pitch angle
2003 - 5(77) 2 -
[RUS] I.I.Efremov, M.V.Makaseyev
Notes to the paper "Steady motions of plate on the surface of heavy liquid"
2002 - 4(76) 4 -
[RUS] M.V.Makaseyev
Steady motions of plate on the surface of heavy liquid
2002 - 4(76) 2 -