T.B.Goncharenko, V.V.Yakovlev
Nonlinear flexible-gravitational waves in the sea covered with ice

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 16 (88) ¹ 4, (2014) p.28-38
The generalised equation of Kadomtsev-Petviashvily type, which describes the propagation of long 2D flexible-gravitational waves in the sea, covered with ice, has been built using the expansion of initial 3D problem of hydro-elastic vibrations of the "flexible plate - layer of ideal incompressible fluid" system in terms of a small parameter. Supposing the periodicity with respect to transverse coordinate the exact solution of the equation has been received. The relationship among character parameters of the problem, which allows the existing of such a solution, has been defined.
hydro-elastic vibrations, 2D flexible-gravitational waves, dynamic system, periodical solutions