A.V.Sheptilevsky, I.T.Selezov, V.M.Kosenkov
Dynamic contact interaction of elastic spherical shell and liquid inside with taking into account cavitation

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 15 (87) ¹ 2, (2013) p.73-84
Within the framework of internal task of hydroelasticity, describing the dynamics of the system bubble-liquid-shell, an algorithm for the interaction of an elastic spherical shell with a filling of a compressible fluid. The dynamics of the shell is described by the equations of motion in the formulation of the Kirchhoff-Love, the state of gas in the cavity defined by the equation of energy balance for the fluid wave equation is used. The cases of nonseparated motion of the liquid-surface of the shell and the case of the separation of the liquid to form a cavity. The problem is considered in the three-dimensional formulation.
hydroelasticity, bubble, elastic shell, compressible fluid