V.V.Babenko, Abbas F. Mahmood, N.A.Gnitetsky
Interaction of a boundary layer with three-dimensional disturbances

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 13 (85) ¹ 3, (2011) p.3-22
The methodology of interaction in BL coherent vortex structures (CVS), arising during natural transition, with entering small three-dimensional disturbances in the form of the longitudinal vortex pairs, similar Goertler vortexes is developed. Experiments are lead on a rigid plate in the closed hydrodynamic tunnel and in the opened wind tunnel under similar conditions of experiments. Breadboard models CVS in transitive and turbulent BL are developed. At a flow by a water flow at various stages of transition of the BL are received pictures visualization of speed structures and flow lines by means of the Wortmann tellurium-method, and also the structures of speed measured by means of laser anemometer. Similar researches are executed in an air stream. The resonant mechanism of interaction of disturbances in BL is found out. The dimensionless parameters defining geometrical structure entering disturbances and kinematics characteristics BL are received.
boundary layer, coherent vortex structures, speed structures