V.P.Olshanskii, S.V.Olshanskii
Fluctuations velocity of a flow non-uniform vibroliquefaction layer of a grain mix on an inclined sieve

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 13 (85) ¹ 2, (2011) p.64-68
The mode of the established fluctuations of speed in non-uniform vibroliquefaction of a layer grain mix is investigated at its motion on a inclined flat vibrosieve. The division of a flow on possible and tailing fraction is taken into account. In Kelvin functions the solution of a problem of hydrodynamics is received, when a kinematic factor of vibroviscosity of a mix is linear function of Cartesian coordinate, perpendicular direction of velocity of a flow. The special case of a regional problem of hydrodynamics is separately considered, which solution is expressed in elementary functions.
inclined flat vibrosieve, kinematical factor of vibroviscosity