N.V.Saltanov, Yu.V.Revenko, N.S.Efremova
Approximate approach in the theory of helical and potential flows in isotermic atmosphere

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 7 (79) ¹ 2, (2005) p.63-72
Generalized potential, based on the approximate approach, is introduced in the theory of helical flow in the isotermic atmosphere. The problem is reduced to the solving of linear uniform differental equation in partial derivatives of the second order. It is shown, that variables in the equation for the generalized potential are separated in the rectangular system of coordinates, three cylindrical (circular, eliiptical and parabolic) and also in spherical and conical systems. In cases of axial symmetry equations for the current function the general solution is written down through Legendre polynomials and Bessel function. The current surfaces for the vortexes of the first and second degrees are built.