V.V.Babenko, A.P.Koval
The structure and hydrobionic features of sward-fish skin

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 6 (78) ¹ 2, (2004) p.3-19
The features of some systems and morphology of skin covers a sword-fish are investigated. The comparative analysis of a structure of a skin quickly swimming of hydrobionts, including a sword-fish is executed. On the basis hydrobionic modeling the experimental way checks up some of the found out features of a body and skin a sword-fish. The settlement way analyses hydrodynamic meaning micro wrinkle on a surface of a skin a sword-fish and thickness of a skin, and also area tail mover a sword-fish in comparison with other kinds of hydrobionts. On the basis of the hydrodynamic analysis of some features of a structure of a body the sword-fishes are developed and experimentally are investigated a method of interaction various disturbances in a boundary layer and combined method of decrease of drag reduction.