Chan Un Bok, O.A.Wowk
The effect of lithological-tectonic factors on the stress-strain state of mountain massif

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 5 (77) ¹ 4, (2003) p.73-81
The stress-strain state of a rock massif is determined by physico-mechanical, first of all, by elastic properties of rocks, a depth of occuring from a surface and features of a lithological-tectonic structure. The centers of the increased concentration of stresses can be formed in a massif depending on character of structural disruption of tectonic processes. At presence of free surfaces near these centers there are possible the rock destructions in the volume of this center with an energy releasing in the form of rock movement in a direction of free surface and as seismic vibrations reaching earth surface. This phenomenon named as rock or tectonic impact causes destruction and damage of underground mines and also exerts harmful influence on surface objects. In the work the criteria of a power estimation of the rock (tectonic) impact and the ways of determination of seismic wave parameters are presented.