N.F.Patsegon, L.N.Popova
Formation and stability of space structures in magnetic fluid

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 5 (77) ¹ 1, (2003) p.62-70
The conditions of formation and stability of the space structures in a magnetic fluid, being in a equilibrium between two parallel nonmagnetic plates in a constant homogeneous magnetic field, were investigeted. An earlier worked out model of a medium with a transformed microstructure, which takes into an account the proccesses of a generation and a destruction of the belonging to the magnetic fluid aggregates of a magnetic particles, was accepted. The conditions, for which such a medium is possessed of a set of the equilibrium states: homogeneous and nonhomogeneous, were obtained. The ranges of a magnetic field intensity, in which nonhomogeneous states are asymptotic stable and are the stationary dissipative structures, describing a fluid stratification, i.e. a dividing of a fluid volume to the layers with a different number of the particles in the aggregates and a different magnetization, were defined. The solutions, corresponding to the needlelike structures of the magnetic particles, which are observed in the experiments, were obtained by the asymptotic methods.