I.T.Selezov, O.V.Avramenko
Stability of the wave-packets in the layer hydrimechanics systems with taking into account the effect of surface tension

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 3 (75) ¹ 4, (2001) p.38-46
Nonlinear problems of wave-packet prpagation on the interface between the two fluids of different densities with taking into account the surface tension are investigated. Two problems are considered, one for half-spaces, anouther for the layer over a half-space. The stability condition of complex envelope of wave-packet is derived on the basis of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation obtained by using the method of multiple scale expansions to fourth approximation. Asymptotic and numerical analysis discovers a new instability region for gravity waves and a new stability region of capillary waves.