The numerical simulation of free surface viscouse flow in rotating horizontal cylinder

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 3 (75) ¹ 2, (2001) p.25-31
The regime hysteresis of steady flow of liquid, which fills steady-state rotating, horizontal cylinder partly full, is examined. The effect consists in excess of a value of angular velocity of cylinder in going from circulating flow to wall layer flow, when bring up a cylinder to speed, over a value of it's veloñity in reverse going, when slow it down. The hysteresis shows up when the Reynolds numbers are large, it can not be observed when the numbers are small and it gains in strength when a state of cylinder's fullness with liquid increases. It is disclosed that the obtained analytical steady conditions of a wall layer are in agreement with experimental data as a result of large values of the Reynolds numbers, when disturbance of free surface arises, and they aren't in agreement as a result of small values of the numbers, when circulating secondary flow springs up as a roller.On the basis of experimental data with consideration for accepted similarity criterions the universal diagrams, which can be used in the more exact calculations of the change boundary of regimes, are ploted.