A.B.Stupin, P.V.Aslanov, A.P.Simonenko, N.V.Bukovskaya, S.A.Fomenko
Application of hydrodynamically active polymer additions and surfase-active substances in energy-saving technologies

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 3 (75) ¹ 1, (2001) p.74-81
The results of systematization of both additives reducing turbulent friction and compositions on their basis are presented. It also deals with the technologies of their preparation and applications in energy-saving technologies, presenting the main regularities of drag reduction in pipes and channels are presented. The increase of the efficiency of work of the systems of water extinguishing, emergency evacuation of water, water jet cutting, water warm- and coldsupplies, of the hydrotransport of materials can become classical examples of the application of the additives, wich reduce turbulent friction.