À.À.Vovk, V.D.Vîrîbyåv, V.C.Prîkîpånko, V.I.Pluznik, I.V.Kîsmin
Application of the explosive charges in hydroinsulatingshells at the water saturatedhole condituions

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 1 (73) ¹ 4, (1999) p.3-9
The performance of the hydroinsulated shell employment in the charge with water-non-stable simple explosives formed by special charge arrongement on the large-scole production of explosions in the irregated rocks is shown in the conditions of luterpises of different branchs of mining industry. The design formulas for dating of parameters and elements of this technology and the basis principles of safety engineering at the loading and detonating of depleted slits by the charges of water-non-stable explosives with the shells have been made.