Nonstationary oscillations of the poroelastic liquid saturated soil layer

Applied hydromechanics, Vol. 1 (73) ¹ 3, (1999) p.65-71
Non-stationary oscillations of the fluid saturated poroelastic layer problem is considered. Motion is described by Biot system of differential equations. The numerical method of finite elements for calculation of dynamic movements of solid and liquid phases, porous fluid pressure and effective stresses in a solid phase is used. The numerical analysis of single-axis loading of a layer of poroelastic fluid saturated ground is conducted, the effects of interaction of phases in a layer are investigated at various values of permeability parameter. The numerical outcomes are adduced, indicating that the process of consolidation passes slower at decreasing of a permeability of media; for a material with a high permeability the noticeable damping of oscillations is marked.