À.M.Artemiev, A.P.Makarenkov, A.A.Makarenkova
Studying the efficiency of electroacoustic transducers of electronic stethophonendoscopes

Acoustic bulletin, Vol. 12 ¹ 1, (2009) p.3-10
The paper deals with results of experimental studying of characteristics of receiving electroacoustic transducers of an electronic stethophonendoscope: the contact piezoceramic rod microphone, special microphone sensor with an air-chamber and highly sensitive flexural accelerometer. The piezoceramic contact microphone and accelerometer have been found the most efficient acoustic transducers. The sources of interferences for transducers in the process of auscultation have been analyzed. The perspective of application of electronic stethophonendoscopes is pointed out.
auscultation, stethophonendoscope, electroacoustic transducer, piezoeffect, microphone, accelerometer